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TEXAS INSTRUMENTS index of parts for sale. Page 8.

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SN54095JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54100JRefurbished Texas Instrum 4-BIT D-TYPE LATCH Texas Instrum
SN5410JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN5410JRefurbished Texas Instrum POSITIVE NAND GATES Texas Instrum
SN54125JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54126JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54128JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN5412JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN5413JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54150JRefurbished Texas Instrum 16-INPUT DIGITAL MUX Texas Instrum
SN54151AJOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54155JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54160JRefurbished Texas Instrum SYNCHRONOUS UP COUNTER Texas Instrum
SN54161JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54162JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54163JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54164JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN5416JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54173JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54174NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN5417JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54180JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54181JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54185AJOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54191JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54194JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54195OEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54197JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN5419JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN541S20TRefurbished Texas Instrum INTEGRATED CIRCUITS Texas Instrum
SN5420JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54221JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54247NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54248OEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54251OEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54259JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN5425JRefurbished Texas Instrum NOR GATE W/ STROBE Texas Instrum
SN54279JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54283JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN5428JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54290JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54293JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN5430JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN5433JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN5433JRefurbished Texas Instrum INTEGRATED CIRCUITS Texas Instrum
SN54365AJOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54366AJOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54367AJOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN5437JRefurbished Texas Instrum POSITIVE NAND BUFFERS Texas Instrum
SN5438JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN5440JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN5442AJOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN5442AJRefurbished Texas Instrum DECIMAL DECODERS Texas Instrum
SN5450JRefurbished Texas Instrum INVERT GATES Texas Instrum
SN5454NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN5470JRefurbished Texas Instrum POSITIVE EDGE FLIP-FLOPS Texas Instrum
SN5472JRefurbished Texas Instrum INTEGRATED CIRCUITS Texas Instrum
SN5473JRefurbished Texas Instrum DUAL FLIP-FLOPS WITH CLEAR Texas Instrum
SN5474JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN5476JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN5483AJOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN5485JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN5486JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN5494JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN5496JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54ALS109AJRefurbished Texas Instrum TRIGGERED FLIP-FLOPS Texas Instrum
SN54ALS808AJRefurbished Texas Instrum HEX 2-INPUT AND GATE Texas Instrum
SN54BCT543WRefurbished Texas Instrum REFURB BUS TRANSCEIVER Texas Instrum
SN54H74JRefurbished Texas Instrum INTEGRATED CIRCUITS Texas Instrum
SN54HC00JRefurbished Texas Instrum TUBES Texas Instrum
SN54HC165JRefurbished Texas Instrum TUBES Texas Instrum
SN54HC373JRefurbished Texas Instrum TUBES Texas Instrum
SN54HC574Refurbished Texas Instrum OCTAL D-TYPE FLIP- FLOPS Texas Instrum
SN54HC574JRefurbished Texas Instrum NEW TUBES Texas Instrum
SN54L04JRefurbished Texas Instrum INTEGRATED CIRCUITS Texas Instrum
SN54L121JRefurbished Texas Instrum INTEGRATED CIRCUITS Texas Instrum
SN54L122NRefurbished Texas Instrum MONOSTABLE MULTIVIBRATOR Texas Instrum
SN54LS00JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54LS00JRefurbished Texas Instrum INTEGRATED CIRCUITS Texas Instrum
SN54LS107AJOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54LS10JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54LS10JRefurbished Texas Instrum TRIPLE 3-INPUT NAND GATE Texas Instrum
SN54LS114JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54LS11JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54LS126AJOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54LS12JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54LS136JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54LS137JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54LS138JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54LS138JRefurbished Texas Instrum INTEGRATED CIRCUITS Texas Instrum
SN54LS139AJRefurbished Texas Instrum INTEGRATED CIRCUITS Texas Instrum
SN54LS139JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54LS13JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54LS145JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54LS148JRefurbished Texas Instrum IC DIG TTL 16 DIP 74LS14 Texas Instrum
SN54LS14JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54LS153JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54LS157JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54LS157JRefurbished Texas Instrum 2-INPUT DIGITAL MULTIPLEXER Texas Instrum
SN54LS161AJOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54LS165JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54LS170JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54LS173AJOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54LS174AJOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54LS175JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54LS181JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54LS183JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54LS191JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54LS193JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54LS194AJOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54LS195AJOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54LS195AJRefurbished Texas Instrum INTEGRATED CIRCUITS Texas Instrum
SN54LS197JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54LS205OEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54LS21JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54LS21JRefurbished Texas Instrum INTEGRATED CIRCUIT Texas Instrum
SN54LS241JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54LS243JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54LS245JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54LS245JRefurbished Texas Instrum OCTAL BUS TRANSCEIVERS Texas Instrum
SN54LS248JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54LS253JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54LS258AJOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54LS259JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54LS266JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54LS299OEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54LS30JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54LS30JRefurbished Texas Instrum INTEGRATED CIRCUITS Texas Instrum
SN54LS32JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54LS33JRefurbished Texas Instrum POSITVE-NOR BUFFERS Texas Instrum
SN54LS366OEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54LS367AJOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54LS373OEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54LS373JRefurbished Texas Instrum 8-BIT D-TYPE LATCH Texas Instrum
SN54LS377JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54LS378JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54LS37JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54LS37JRefurbished Texas Instrum INTEGRATED CIRCUITS Texas Instrum
SN54LS38JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54LS390OEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54LS393JRefurbished Texas Instrum DUAL 4-BIT BINARY COUNTER Texas Instrum
SN54LS42JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54LS48JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54LS49JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54LS51JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54LS54JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54LS54JRefurbished Texas Instrum INTEGRATED CIRCUITS Texas Instrum
SN54LS55JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54LS63JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54LS669OEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54LS73AJOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54LS74JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54LS75JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54LS75JRefurbished Texas Instrum INTEGRATED CIRCUITS Texas Instrum
SN54LS76JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54LS83AJOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54LS86JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54LS90JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54S02JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54S09JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54S124JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54S133JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54S134JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54S138JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54S15JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54S228OEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54S241JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54S30JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54S38JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54S40JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54S412JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54S51JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54S64JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN54S65JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN55108AJRefurbished Texas Instrum DUAL LINE RECIEVERS Texas Instrum
SN55173JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN55451BJGRefurbished Texas Instrum PERIPHERAL DRIVERS Texas Instrum
SN64BCT241NOEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN64BCT25245DOEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN65173OEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN65LBC180DRefurbished Texas Instrum LINE DRIVER/RECEIVER Texas Instrum
SN65LVD176DOEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN65LVDM051PWOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN65LVDM176DOEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN65LVDM179DOEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN65LVDM180DRefurbished Texas Instrum LINE TRANSCEIVER Texas Instrum
SN65LVDS047DRRefurbished Texas Instrum QUAD DIFFER. LINE DRIVER Texas Instrum
SN65LVDS048ADRRefurbished Texas Instrum QUAD DIFFER. LINE RECEIVE Texas Instrum
SN65LVDS104DOEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN65LVDS109DBTRefurbished Texas Instrum DUAL 4-PORT LVDS REPEATER Texas Instrum
SN65LVDS116DGGRefurbished Texas Instrum LVDS SPLITTER Texas Instrum
SN65LVDS31DRefurbished Texas Instrum LINE DRIVER Texas Instrum
SN65LVDS31DROEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN65LVDS32ADRefurbished Texas Instrum DC / LINE DRIVER Texas Instrum
SN65LVDS32DRRefurbished Texas Instrum QUAD DIFFER. LINE RECEIV. Texas Instrum
SN65LVDS3486DOEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN65LVDS387DGGRefurbished Texas Instrum DIFFERENTIAL LINE DRIVER Texas Instrum
SN65LVDS9637DOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN65LVDS9638DOEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN65LVDT122PWRefurbished Texas Instrum CROSSPOINT SWITCH Texas Instrum
SN65LVDT9637BDROEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN700763DROEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN72709ANOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN72709NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN72710NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN72820NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN73A1ELTOEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN7400DROEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN7400NRefurbished Texas Instrum QUAD LOGIC GATE Texas Instrum
SN7401NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN7401NRefurbished Texas Instrum QUAD 2-INPUT NAND GATE Texas Instrum
SN7402NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN7402NRefurbished Texas Instrum QUAD LOGIC GATE Texas Instrum
SN7403ANOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN7403JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN7403NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN7403NRefurbished Texas Instrum QUAD LOGIC GATE Texas Instrum
SN7404DRefurbished Texas Instrum HEX INVERTER Texas Instrum
SN7404NOEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN7404NRefurbished Texas Instrum HEX INVERTER LOGIC GATE Texas Instrum
SN7405NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN7406DOEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN7406DROEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN7406DRRefurbished Texas Instrum 96+ Texas Instrum
SN7406NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN7406NRefurbished Texas Instrum HEX INVERTER LOGIC GATE Texas Instrum
SN7407DOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN7407DRefurbished Texas Instrum HEX BUFFER LOGIC GATE Texas Instrum
SN7407DROEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN7407NOEM Texas Instrum I.C. 7407 Texas Instrum
SN7407NRefurbished Texas Instrum HEX BUFFER/DRIVER Texas Instrum
SN7407S014OEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN7408DROEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN7408NRefurbished Texas Instrum QUAD 2-INPUT LOGIC GATE Texas Instrum
SN7409NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN7409NRefurbished Texas Instrum QUAD 2-INPUT AND GATE Texas Instrum
SN74107NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN7410JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN7410NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN7410NRefurbished Texas Instrum TRIPLE 3-INPUT NAND GATE Texas Instrum
SN74110ANOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74111OEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74111NRefurbished Texas Instrum DUAL J/K TYPE FLIP-FLOP Texas Instrum
SN74118NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74120NRefurbished Texas Instrum DUAL CLOCK DRIVER Texas Instrum
SN74121NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74121NRefurbished Texas Instrum MONOSTABLE MULTIVIBRATOR Texas Instrum
SN74122NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74122NRefurbished Texas Instrum MONOSTABLE MULTIVIBRATOR Texas Instrum
SN74123NRefurbished Texas Instrum MONOSTABLE MULTIVIBRATOR Texas Instrum
SN74125NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74125NRefurbished Texas Instrum SINGLE 4BIT BUFFER/DRIVER Texas Instrum
SN74126NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74126NRefurbished Texas Instrum INTEGRATED CIRCUITS Texas Instrum
SN7412NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN7412NRefurbished Texas Instrum LOGIC GATE Texas Instrum
SN74136NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN7413NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN7413NRefurbished Texas Instrum DUAL LOGIC GATE Texas Instrum
SN74141NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74142NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74145NRefurbished Texas Instrum DECODER/DRIVER Texas Instrum
SN74148NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74148NRefurbished Texas Instrum ENCODER Texas Instrum
SN7414NRefurbished Texas Instrum SCHMITT-TRIGGER INVERTER Texas Instrum
SN74151ANRefurbished Texas Instrum SINGLE LOGIC MULTIPLEXER Texas Instrum
SN74151NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74153NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74153NRefurbished Texas Instrum LOGIC MULTIPLEXER Texas Instrum
SN74154NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74154NRefurbished Texas Instrum 4 TO 16 LINE DECODER/DEMUX Texas Instrum
SN74155JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74155NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74155NRefurbished Texas Instrum DC / DEMULTIPLEXER Texas Instrum
SN74156NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74157NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74157NRefurbished Texas Instrum QUAD 2-INPUT LOGIC MUX Texas Instrum
SN74159NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74160JOEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74160NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74160NRefurbished Texas Instrum SYNCHRONOUS UP COUNTER Texas Instrum
SN74161NRefurbished Texas Instrum 4-BIT BINARY UP COUNTER Texas Instrum
SN74163JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74163NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74163NRefurbished Texas Instrum SYNC COUNTER Texas Instrum
SN74164NRefurbished Texas Instrum SINGLE SHIFT REGISTER Texas Instrum
SN74165NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74166NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74166NRefurbished Texas Instrum SHIFT REGISTER Texas Instrum
SN74167NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN7416NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN7416NRefurbished Texas Instrum HEX INVERTER Texas Instrum
SN74173NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74173NRefurbished Texas Instrum QUAD D-TYPE FLIP-FLOP Texas Instrum
SN74174NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74174NRefurbished Texas Instrum HEX D-TYPE FLIP-FLOP Texas Instrum
SN74175NRefurbished Texas Instrum QUAD D TYPE FLIP-FLOP Texas Instrum
SN74178NRefurbished Texas Instrum SINGLE SHIFT REGISTER Texas Instrum
SN74179JRefurbished Texas Instrum SINGLE SHIFT REGISTER Texas Instrum
SN74179NRefurbished Texas Instrum SHIFT REGISTER Texas Instrum
SN7417NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN7417NRefurbished Texas Instrum HEX BUFFER LOGIC GATE Texas Instrum
SN74180NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74180NRefurbished Texas Instrum PARITY GENERATOR/CHECKER Texas Instrum
SN74185ANOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74190NRefurbished Texas Instrum DECADE UP/DOWN COUNTER Texas Instrum
SN74191NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74192NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74193NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74196NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74196NRefurbished Texas Instrum DECADE UP COUNTER Texas Instrum
SN74197NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74197NRefurbished Texas Instrum ASYNCHRONOUS UP COUNTER Texas Instrum
SN74198NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN7420NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74221NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74221NRefurbished Texas Instrum MONOSTABLE MULTIVIBRATOR Texas Instrum
SN7423NRefurbished Texas Instrum DUAL LOGIC GATE Texas Instrum
SN74240NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN7426NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN7426NRefurbished Texas Instrum QUAD LOGIC GATE Texas Instrum
SN7426PLOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74279NRefurbished Texas Instrum 1-BIT LATCH QUAD Texas Instrum
SN7428NRefurbished Texas Instrum 2-INPUT NOR LOGIC GATE QUAD Texas Instrum
SN7430JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN7430NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN7430NRefurbished Texas Instrum LOGIC GATE Texas Instrum
SN7432NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN7432NRefurbished Texas Instrum QUAD LOGIC GATE Texas Instrum
SN7433NRefurbished Texas Instrum QUAD 2-INPUT NOR LOGIC GATE Texas Instrum
SN74365AJOEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74367ANOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74368ANOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74368ANRefurbished Texas Instrum 6-BIT BUFFER/LINE DRIVER Texas Instrum
SN7437NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN7438NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN7438NRefurbished Texas Instrum QUAD 2-INPUT NAND GATE Texas Instrum
SN74390NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74393NRefurbished Texas Instrum UP/DOWN COUNTER Texas Instrum
SN7440JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN7440NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN7440NRefurbished Texas Instrum DUAL LOGIC GATE Texas Instrum
SN7440NP1Refurbished Texas Instrum DUAL LOGIC GATE Texas Instrum
SN7442ANRefurbished Texas Instrum BCD-TO-DECIMAL DECODER Texas Instrum
SN7442NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN7444ANOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN7445NOEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN7445NRefurbished Texas Instrum DECODER/DRIVER Texas Instrum
SN7447ANOEM Texas Instrum IC. 7447 Texas Instrum
SN7450NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN7450NRefurbished Texas Instrum DUAL LOGIS GATE Texas Instrum
SN7451JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN7451NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN7451NRefurbished Texas Instrum DUAL 2/2-INPUT AND/NOR GATE Texas Instrum
SN74538NRefurbished Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN7454NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN7460NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN7472NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN7472NRefurbished Texas Instrum SINGLE J/K TYPE FLIP-FLOP Texas Instrum
SN7474JOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN7474NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN7474NRefurbished Texas Instrum DUAL D-TYPE FLIP-FLOP Texas Instrum
SN7475JRefurbished Texas Instrum 4-BIT D-TYPE LATCH Texas Instrum
SN7475NRefurbished Texas Instrum 4-BIT D-TYPE LATCH Texas Instrum
SN7476NRefurbished Texas Instrum DUAL FLIP-FLOP Texas Instrum
SN7484ANOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN7485NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN7486NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN7486NRefurbished Texas Instrum QUAD LOGIC GATE Texas Instrum
SN7489NRefurbished Texas Instrum SRAM Texas Instrum
SN7492ANOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN7493ANRefurbished Texas Instrum INTEGRATED CIRCUITS Texas Instrum
SN7494ANOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN7495ANOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN7495ANRefurbished Texas Instrum SHIFT REGISTER Texas Instrum
SN7496NRefurbished Texas Instrum SHIFT REGISTER Texas Instrum
SN7497NRefurbished Texas Instrum RATE MULTIPLIER Texas Instrum
SN74ABT125DRefurbished Texas Instrum SINGLE 4BIT BUFFER/DRIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ABT125DBLEOEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74ABT125DROEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74ABT125PWRefurbished Texas Instrum 4-BIT BUFFER/DRIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ABT125PWLERefurbished Texas Instrum BUS BUFFER GATES Texas Instrum
SN74ABT125PWRRefurbished Texas Instrum SINGLE BUFFER/DRIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ABT126DRefurbished Texas Instrum SINGLE BUFFER/DRIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ABT162244DGGRRefurbished Texas Instrum BUFFER/DRIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ABT162244DLRefurbished Texas Instrum BUFFER DRIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ABT162244DLROEM Texas Instrum 0119 Texas Instrum
SN74ABT16240ADLOEM Texas Instrum I.C. 74ABT16240DL Texas Instrum
SN74ABT16244ADGGRefurbished Texas Instrum QUAD 4-BIT BUFFER/DRIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ABT16244ADGGROEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74ABT16244ADGGRRefurbished Texas Instrum 16BIT BUFFER/LINE DRIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ABT16244ADLOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74ABT16244ADLRefurbished Texas Instrum DC / REFURBED STOCK TUBE Texas Instrum
SN74ABT16245ADGGROEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74ABT16245ADLOEM Texas Instrum I.C. 74ABT16245DL Texas Instrum
SN74ABT16245ADLRefurbished Texas Instrum DUAL BUS TRANSCEIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ABT16245ADLRRefurbished Texas Instrum BUS TRANSCEIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ABT16245DLRefurbished Texas Instrum DUAL 8-BIT TRANSCEIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ABT162601DGGRefurbished Texas Instrum 18-BIT BUS TRANSCEIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ABT16373ADGGOEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74ABT16373ADGGRefurbished Texas Instrum 16-BIT TRANSP D-TYPE LATCH Texas Instrum
SN74ABT16373ADGGROEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74ABT16373ADGGRRefurbished Texas Instrum D-TYPE TRANSPARENT LATCH Texas Instrum
SN74ABT16373ADLRefurbished Texas Instrum DC / REFURBED STOCK TUBE Texas Instrum
SN74ABT16470DLRefurbished Texas Instrum DUAL 8-BIT BUS TRANSCEIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ABT16500BDLRefurbished Texas Instrum SINGLE BUS TRANSCEIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ABT16540DLRRefurbished Texas Instrum DUAL 8BIT BUFFER/DRIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ABT16541ADLRefurbished Texas Instrum DUAL 8-BIT BUFFER/DRIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ABT16541DLRefurbished Texas Instrum DUAL 8-BIT BUFFER/DRIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ABT16543DGGRRefurbished Texas Instrum DUAL BUS TRANSCEIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ABT16543DLRefurbished Texas Instrum DUAL 8-BIT BUS TRANSCEIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ABT16652DLRefurbished Texas Instrum DUAL BUS TRANSCEIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ABT16821DGGRRefurbished Texas Instrum 20-BIT D-TYPE FLIP-FLOP Texas Instrum
SN74ABT16823DLROEM Texas Instrum 9507 Texas Instrum
SN74ABT16823DLRRefurbished Texas Instrum 9507 Texas Instrum
SN74ABT16952DGGRRefurbished Texas Instrum DUAL BUS TRANSCEIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ABT2241DWRefurbished Texas Instrum DUAL 4-BIT BUFFER/DRIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ABT2241PWRRefurbished Texas Instrum OCTAL BUFFER/LINE DRIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ABT2244ADBROEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74ABT2244ADBRRefurbished Texas Instrum DUAL 4-BIT BUFFER/DRIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ABT2244ADWOEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74ABT2244ADWROEM Texas Instrum 0036 Texas Instrum
SN74ABT244ADWRefurbished Texas Instrum DUAL 4-BIT BUFFER/DRIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ABT244ADWROEM Texas Instrum 0114 Texas Instrum
SN74ABT244ADWRRefurbished Texas Instrum 0114 Texas Instrum
SN74ABT244APWRRefurbished Texas Instrum OCTAL BUFFER/DRIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ABT244DWRefurbished Texas Instrum DUAL 4-BIT BUFFER/DRIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ABT244NRefurbished Texas Instrum IC BUFER/DRIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ABT245ANRefurbished Texas Instrum 8-BIT BUS TRANSCEIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ABT245BDBLEOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74ABT245BDBLERefurbished Texas Instrum SINGLE BUS TRANSCEIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ABT245BDBRRefurbished Texas Instrum SINGLE BUS TRANSCEIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ABT245BDWRefurbished Texas Instrum SINGLE BUS TRANSCEIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ABT245BDWROEM Texas Instrum 2-3 DAYS AVAIL Texas Instrum
SN74ABT245BNSROEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74ABT245BPWRRefurbished Texas Instrum SINGLE LINE TRANSCEIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ABT245DBLEOEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74ABT273DBRRefurbished Texas Instrum OCTAL D-TYPE FLIP-FLOP Texas Instrum
SN74ABT273DWRRefurbished Texas Instrum FLIP/FLOP OCTAL D TYPE Texas Instrum
SN74ABT373DWRRefurbished Texas Instrum SINGLE 8-BIT LATCH Texas Instrum
SN74ABT374ADWRRefurbished Texas Instrum OCTAL D TYPE FLIP FLOP Texas Instrum
SN74ABT374APWROEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74ABT374DWROEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74ABT541BDWRefurbished Texas Instrum SINGLE BUFFER/DRIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ABT541BPWLERefurbished Texas Instrum OCTAL BUFFER/DRIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ABT541BPWRRefurbished Texas Instrum SINGLE 8-BIT BUFFER/DRIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ABT574ADBRRefurbished Texas Instrum D-TYPE FLIP FLOPS Texas Instrum
SN74ABT574ANRefurbished Texas Instrum D-TYPE FLIP FLOPS Texas Instrum
SN74ABT574NRefurbished Texas Instrum IC Texas Instrum
SN74ABT651DWRefurbished Texas Instrum DC / REFURBED STOCK TUBE Texas Instrum
SN74ABT652ADWRefurbished Texas Instrum 8-BIT BUS TRANSCEIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ABT652ADWRRefurbished Texas Instrum 8-BIT BUS TRANSCEIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ABT657ADBRRefurbished Texas Instrum OCTAL TRANSCEIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ABT8245DWROEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74ABT8996PWROEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74ABTH162260DLROEM Texas Instrum 97+ Texas Instrum
SN74ABTH16245Refurbished Texas Instrum INTEGRATED CIRCUITS Texas Instrum
SN74ABTH16245DLOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74ABTH245DWRefurbished Texas Instrum SINGLE BUS TRANSCEIVER Texas Instrum
SN74AC00DOEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74AC00DROEM Texas Instrum 97+ Texas Instrum
SN74AC00DRRefurbished Texas Instrum REELS OF 600 200 221 Texas Instrum
SN74AC00NOEM Texas Instrum 97+ Texas Instrum
SN74AC00NRefurbished Texas Instrum 97+ Texas Instrum
SN74AC04DRefurbished Texas Instrum 3 TUBES Texas Instrum
SN74AC04DRRefurbished Texas Instrum NEW REEL Texas Instrum
SN74AC14DROEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74AC244PWOEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74AC244PWLERefurbished Texas Instrum OCTAL BUFFER/DRIVER Texas Instrum
SN74AC374DWROEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74AC573DWRefurbished Texas Instrum SINGLE 8-BIT LATCH Texas Instrum
SN74AC574DWRefurbished Texas Instrum OEM EXCESS Texas Instrum
SN74AC74DRefurbished Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74ACS245ANRefurbished Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74ACT00OEM Texas Instrum IC / SOIC14 Texas Instrum
SN74ACT00DROEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74ACT00DRRefurbished Texas Instrum QUAD LOGIC GATE Texas Instrum
SN74ACT04DRefurbished Texas Instrum HEX INVERTER Texas Instrum
SN74ACT04DROEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74ACT04DRRefurbished Texas Instrum LOGIC GATE Texas Instrum
SN74ACT08DRRefurbished Texas Instrum QUAD LOGIC GATE Texas Instrum
SN74ACT11138NRefurbished Texas Instrum INTEGRATED CIRCUITS Texas Instrum
SN74ACT11151NRefurbished Texas Instrum INTEGRATED CIRCUITS Texas Instrum
SN74ACT1284DWRefurbished Texas Instrum SINGLE BUS TRANSCEIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ACT138MRefurbished Texas Instrum STOCK TUBE Texas Instrum
SN74ACT14DTRRefurbished Texas Instrum HEX INVERTER SCHMITT TRIG Texas Instrum
SN74ACT14NRefurbished Texas Instrum HEX INVERTER Texas Instrum
SN74ACT16244DGGOEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74ACT16244DGGROEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74ACT16640DLRRefurbished Texas Instrum 16-BIT BUS TRANSCEIVERS Texas Instrum
SN74ACT2152A25FNRefurbished Texas Instrum CACHE-TAG RAM Texas Instrum
SN74ACT2152A25NRefurbished Texas Instrum X8 CACHE TAG RAM Texas Instrum
SN74ACT244OEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74ACT244PWROEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74ACT245DWROEM Texas Instrum IC SMT 74ACT245/P Texas Instrum
SN74ACT32DRefurbished Texas Instrum QUAD 2 INPUT OR LOGIC GATE Texas Instrum
SN74ACT32DROEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74ACT32DR2OEM Texas Instrum ICSMT 74ACT32/P OR GATE Texas Instrum
SN74ACT362215PQRefurbished Texas Instrum SYNCHRONOUS FIFO Texas Instrum
SN74ACT363120PCBOEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74ACT364120PQRefurbished Texas Instrum 1KX36 SYNCHRONOUS FIFO Texas Instrum
SN74ACT364130PQRefurbished Texas Instrum 1024X36 SYNCH FIFO MEMORY Texas Instrum
SN74ACT374OEM Texas Instrum SOIC20 Texas Instrum
SN74ACT374DWRefurbished Texas Instrum OCTAL D TYPE FLIP FLOP Texas Instrum
SN74ACT374DWROEM Texas Instrum ICSMT 74HCT374/P FLIP FLO Texas Instrum
SN74ACT574PWROEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74ACT7200L25DVRefurbished Texas Instrum REFURB ASYNCHRONOUS Texas Instrum
SN74ACT72211L20RJRefurbished Texas Instrum REFURB X9 SYNCHRONOUS Texas Instrum
SN74ACT72211L50RJRefurbished Texas Instrum REFURBED STOCK TUBE Texas Instrum
SN74ACT72231L20RJRefurbished Texas Instrum REFURB X9 SYNCHRONOUS Texas Instrum
SN74ACT72231L20RJ7Refurbished Texas Instrum REFURBED STOCK TUBE Texas Instrum
SN74ACT72241L20RJRefurbished Texas Instrum REFURB X9 SYNCHRONOUS Texas Instrum
SN74ACT74DOEM Texas Instrum 14-SOIC Texas Instrum
SN74ACT780240FNRefurbished Texas Instrum 1KX18 ASYNCHRONOUS FIFO Texas Instrum
SN74ACT780720PAGRefurbished Texas Instrum 2KX9 SYNCHRONOUS FIFO Texas Instrum
SN74ACT86DRefurbished Texas Instrum QUADRUPLE 2- INPUT GATES Texas Instrum
SN74ACT8832AGBOEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74ACT8836AGBOEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74AH244DWOEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74AHC04PWROEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74AHC08DOEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74AHC08PWLERefurbished Texas Instrum QUAD LOGIC GATE Texas Instrum
SN74AHC132DBVROEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74AHC139DRRefurbished Texas Instrum REEL Texas Instrum
SN74AHC14PWROEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74AHC16244DGGOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74AHC16373DLRRefurbished Texas Instrum 16-BIT TRANSPARENT LATCHES Texas Instrum
SN74AHC1G00DBVROEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74AHC1G00DBVRRefurbished Texas Instrum 2-INPUT NAND LOGIC GATE Texas Instrum
SN74AHC1G00DCKROEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74AHC1G02DBVROEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74AHC1G04DBVROEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74AHC1G04DCKROEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74AHC1G080BVKOEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74AHC1G08DBVRRefurbished Texas Instrum 2-INPUT AND LOGIC GATE Texas Instrum
SN74AHC1G08DCKRRefurbished Texas Instrum NEW T&R 2X3K 1X1361 Texas Instrum
SN74AHC1G125DBVROEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74AHC1G125DBVRRefurbished Texas Instrum SINGLE BUS BUFFER GATE Texas Instrum
SN74AHC1G14DCKROEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74AHC1G14DDVROEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74AHC1G32DBVROEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74AHC240PWROEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74AHC244DWRefurbished Texas Instrum DUAL BUFFER/DRIVER Texas Instrum
SN74AHC244DWROEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74AHC273OEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74AHC273PWROEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74AHC30OEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74AHC32DOEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74AHC32DRRefurbished Texas Instrum NEW REEL Texas Instrum
SN74AHC74PWROEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74AHC86DRefurbished Texas Instrum GATES Texas Instrum
SN74AHCT00DROEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74AHCT00PWROEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74AHCT00PWRRefurbished Texas Instrum 2-INPUT POSITIVE NAND GATE Texas Instrum
SN74AHCT02PWRRefurbished Texas Instrum 1 REEL Texas Instrum
SN74AHCT08PWROEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74AHCT08PWRRefurbished Texas Instrum 0123 Texas Instrum
SN74AHCT125DROEM Texas Instrum 98+ Texas Instrum
SN74AHCT125DRRefurbished Texas Instrum 98+ Texas Instrum
SN74AHCT125NRefurbished Texas Instrum 4-BIT BUFFER/DRIVER Texas Instrum
SN74AHCT125PWROEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74AHCT126PWROEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74AHCT138PWROEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74AHCT139DRefurbished Texas Instrum DECODER/DEMULTIPLEXER Texas Instrum
SN74AHCT140BLEOEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74AHCT16244DGGROEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74AHCT16244DGGRRefurbished Texas Instrum QUAD 4-BIT BUFFER/DRIVER Texas Instrum
SN74AHCT16245DGOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74AHCT16245DGGRRefurbished Texas Instrum 16-BIT BUS TRANSCEIVERS Texas Instrum
SN74AHCT174DRefurbished Texas Instrum OEM EXCESS Texas Instrum
SN74AHCT1G00DBVOEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74AHCT1G04DBVROEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74AHCT1G08DBVROEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74AHCT1G08DBVRRefurbished Texas Instrum SPLIT REELS Texas Instrum
SN74AHCT1G14DBVROEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74AHCT1G32DBVOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74AHCT1G32DBVRRefurbished Texas Instrum SINGLE 2-INPUT GATE Texas Instrum
SN74AHCT244NRefurbished Texas Instrum BUFFER/DRIVER Texas Instrum
SN74AHCT245DWRefurbished Texas Instrum 8-BIT BUS TRANSCEIVER Texas Instrum
SN74AHCT245PWRRefurbished Texas Instrum 1 REEL Texas Instrum
SN74AHCT273DGVROEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74AHCT32DRRefurbished Texas Instrum 74AHCT32 SOIC14 150MIL SMD Texas Instrum
SN74AHCT32PWROEM Texas Instrum 00+ Texas Instrum
SN74AHCT32PWRRefurbished Texas Instrum 00+ Texas Instrum
SN74AHCT540PWROEM Texas Instrum 0040 Texas Instrum
SN74AHCT573PWROEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74AHCT574DWOEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74AHCT74DRefurbished Texas Instrum FLIP-FLOP Texas Instrum
SN74AHCT74DRRefurbished Texas Instrum DUAL D-TYPE FLIP-FLOP Texas Instrum
SN74AHCT86DRefurbished Texas Instrum OEM EXCESS Texas Instrum
SN74ALS00AOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74ALS00ADRefurbished Texas Instrum DC / NAND GATE Texas Instrum
SN74ALS00ADROEM Texas Instrum 0127 Texas Instrum
SN74ALS00ADRRefurbished Texas Instrum 0127 Texas Instrum
SN74ALS00ANOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74ALS00ANRefurbished Texas Instrum QUAD 2INPUT NAND LOGIC GATE Texas Instrum
SN74ALS02ADRefurbished Texas Instrum QUAD LOGIC GATE Texas Instrum
SN74ALS02ANRefurbished Texas Instrum QUAD 2-INPUT NOR GATE Texas Instrum
SN74ALS02ANSLEOEM Texas Instrum 97+ Texas Instrum
SN74ALS02DRefurbished Texas Instrum QUAD LOGIC GATE Texas Instrum
SN74ALS02NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74ALS02NRefurbished Texas Instrum QUAD 2-INPUT NOR GATE Texas Instrum
SN74ALS03NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74ALS04BOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74ALS04BDRefurbished Texas Instrum HEX INVERTER LOGIC GATE Texas Instrum
SN74ALS04BDRRefurbished Texas Instrum HEX INVERTER LOGIC GATE Texas Instrum
SN74ALS04BNRefurbished Texas Instrum HEX INVERTER Texas Instrum
SN74ALS05ADBRRefurbished Texas Instrum NEW T&R Texas Instrum
SN74ALS05ADROEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74ALS05ADRRefurbished Texas Instrum HEX INVERTER Texas Instrum
SN74ALS08DRefurbished Texas Instrum QUAD 2-INPUT AND LOGIC GATE Texas Instrum
SN74ALS08NRefurbished Texas Instrum QUAD LOGIC GATE Texas Instrum
SN74ALS100OEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74ALS1004NRefurbished Texas Instrum HEX INVERTER Texas Instrum
SN74ALS1005DRefurbished Texas Instrum HEX INVERTER Texas Instrum
SN74ALS1005DRRefurbished Texas Instrum HEX INVERTER LOGIC GATE Texas Instrum
SN74ALS101OEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74ALS102OEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74ALS103OEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74ALS1035DRRefurbished Texas Instrum HEX BUFFER Texas Instrum
SN74ALS109OEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74ALS109ANRefurbished Texas Instrum J-K TYPE FLIP-FLOP Texas Instrum
SN74ALS10ADRefurbished Texas Instrum TRIPLE LOGIC GATE Texas Instrum
SN74ALS10ANRefurbished Texas Instrum 3 3-INPUT NAND LOGIC GATE Texas Instrum
SN74ALS10NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74ALS112ANRefurbished Texas Instrum J/K TYPE DUAL FLIP FLOP Texas Instrum
SN74ALS114OEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74ALS11ADRefurbished Texas Instrum TRIPLE LOGIC GATE Texas Instrum
SN74ALS11ANRefurbished Texas Instrum TRIPLE 3-INPUT AND GATE Texas Instrum
SN74ALS124OEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74ALS12AOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74ALS12NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74ALS133OEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74ALS133NRefurbished Texas Instrum DC / 13-INPUT NAND GATE Texas Instrum
SN74ALS137OEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74ALS138ADRefurbished Texas Instrum 3-TO-8 LINE DECODER/DEMUX Texas Instrum
SN74ALS138ADRRefurbished Texas Instrum DECODER/DEMULTIPLEXER Texas Instrum
SN74ALS138ANRefurbished Texas Instrum DECODER/DEMULTIPLEXER Texas Instrum
SN74ALS138NOEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74ALS138NRefurbished Texas Instrum DECODER/DEMULTIPLEXER Texas Instrum
SN74ALS139OEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74ALS139DRefurbished Texas Instrum DECODER/DEMULTIPLEXER Texas Instrum
SN74ALS139DRRefurbished Texas Instrum INTEGRATED CIRCUIT Texas Instrum
SN74ALS139NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74ALS151NRefurbished Texas Instrum SINGLE LOGIC MULTIPLEXER Texas Instrum
SN74ALS157ANRefurbished Texas Instrum QUAD MULTIPLEXER Texas Instrum
SN74ALS160BNP3Refurbished Texas Instrum SYNCHRONOUS UP COUNTER Texas Instrum
SN74ALS161OEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74ALS161BDRRefurbished Texas Instrum 4-BIT BINARY UP COUNTER Texas Instrum
SN74ALS161BNRefurbished Texas Instrum SYNCHRONOUS UP COUNTER Texas Instrum
SN74ALS163OEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74ALS163ANRefurbished Texas Instrum SYNCHRONOUS UP COUNTER Texas Instrum
SN74ALS163BNRefurbished Texas Instrum SYNCHRONOUS BINARY COUNTER Texas Instrum
SN74ALS165DROEM Texas Instrum 97+ Texas Instrum
SN74ALS165DRRefurbished Texas Instrum 97+ Texas Instrum
SN74ALS169OEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74ALS169BNRefurbished Texas Instrum UP/DOWN SYNCHRONOUS COUNTER Texas Instrum
SN74ALS174OEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74ALS174DRRefurbished Texas Instrum HEX D-TYPE FLIP-FLOP Texas Instrum
SN74ALS174NRefurbished Texas Instrum HEX D-TYPE FLIP-FLOP Texas Instrum
SN74ALS175NRefurbished Texas Instrum QUAD D-TYPE FLIP-FLOP Texas Instrum
SN74ALS1832ANRefurbished Texas Instrum HEX 2-INPUT OR GATE Texas Instrum
SN74ALS191OEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74ALS21NRefurbished Texas Instrum INTEGRATED CIRCUITS Texas Instrum
SN74ALS2232ANTRefurbished Texas Instrum ASYNCHRONOUS 64X8 FIFO Texas Instrum
SN74ALS233NRefurbished Texas Instrum ASYNCHRONOUS FIFO Texas Instrum
SN74ALS236NRefurbished Texas Instrum 64KX4 ASYNCHRONOUS FIFO Texas Instrum
SN74ALS240ADWRefurbished Texas Instrum OCTAL BUFFER/DRIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ALS240ANRefurbished Texas Instrum DUAL 4-BIT BUFFER/DRIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ALS241OEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74ALS241CDWRRefurbished Texas Instrum REEL Texas Instrum
SN74ALS242OEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74ALS243OEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74ALS244A1NRefurbished Texas Instrum DUAL 4BIT BUFFER/DRIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ALS244ANRefurbished Texas Instrum DUAL 4-BIT BUFFER/DRIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ALS244BDWRRefurbished Texas Instrum DUAL 4-BIT BUFFER/DRIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ALS244BNOEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74ALS244C1DWRRefurbished Texas Instrum DUAL 4-BIT BUFFER/DRIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ALS244CDWRefurbished Texas Instrum DUAL 4-BIT BUFFER/DRIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ALS244CDWRRefurbished Texas Instrum BUFFER DRIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ALS244CNRefurbished Texas Instrum 4-BIT DUAL BUFFER/DRIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ALS245A1NRefurbished Texas Instrum SINGLE BUS TRANSCEIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ALS245ADWRefurbished Texas Instrum 8-BIT BUS TRANSCEIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ALS245ADWRRefurbished Texas Instrum 8BIT BUS TRANSCEIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ALS245ANRefurbished Texas Instrum 8-BIT BUS TRANSCEIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ALS257OEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74ALS258NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74ALS259NRefurbished Texas Instrum ADDRESSABLE LATCH Texas Instrum
SN74ALS273OEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74ALS273DWRefurbished Texas Instrum OCTAL D TYPE FLIP FLOP Texas Instrum
SN74ALS273DWROEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74ALS273NRefurbished Texas Instrum OCTAL D-TYPE FLIP-FLOP Texas Instrum
SN74ALS27DRefurbished Texas Instrum TRIPLE LOGIC GATE Texas Instrum
SN74ALS27NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74ALS27NRefurbished Texas Instrum LOGIC GATE Texas Instrum
SN74ALS280OEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74ALS280NRefurbished Texas Instrum 9-BIT ODD/EVEN PARITY GEN Texas Instrum
SN74ALS29821NTRefurbished Texas Instrum INTEGRATED CIRCUIT Texas Instrum
SN74ALS29833NTOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74ALS29841NTRefurbished Texas Instrum INTEGRATED CIRCUIT Texas Instrum
SN74ALS29863DWOEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74ALS30AOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74ALS30ADRRefurbished Texas Instrum IC Texas Instrum
SN74ALS30ANRefurbished Texas Instrum POSITIVE NAND LOGIC GATE Texas Instrum
SN74ALS32NRefurbished Texas Instrum QUAD 2-INPUT OR GATE Texas Instrum
SN74ALS34NRefurbished Texas Instrum HEX BUFFER Texas Instrum
SN74ALS352OEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74ALS352DRefurbished Texas Instrum DUAL LOGIC MULTIPLEXER Texas Instrum
SN74ALS353OEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74ALS35ANRefurbished Texas Instrum NON-INVERTING HEX GATE Texas Instrum
SN74ALS373OEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74ALS373ADWRRefurbished Texas Instrum SINGLE 8BIT LATCH Texas Instrum
SN74ALS373ANRefurbished Texas Instrum DUAL 4BIT BUFFER/DRIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ALS373NRefurbished Texas Instrum SINGLE 8-BIT LATCH Texas Instrum
SN74ALS374ADWROEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74ALS374ADWRRefurbished Texas Instrum OCTAL D-TYPE FLIP-FLOP Texas Instrum
SN74ALS374ANRefurbished Texas Instrum OCTAL D-TYPE FLIP-FLOP Texas Instrum
SN74ALS374NRefurbished Texas Instrum OCTAL D-TYPE FLIP-FLOP Texas Instrum
SN74ALS37AOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74ALS37NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74ALS38ANRefurbished Texas Instrum QUAD 2-INPUT NAND GATE Texas Instrum
SN74ALS40NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74ALS466OEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74ALS467OEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74ALS468OEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74ALS520NRefurbished Texas Instrum IDENTITY COMPARATOR Texas Instrum
SN74ALS521NRefurbished Texas Instrum DC / IDENTITY COMPARATOR Texas Instrum
SN74ALS533ANRefurbished Texas Instrum DC / 8-BIT D-TYPE LATCH Texas Instrum
SN74ALS533NRefurbished Texas Instrum 8-BIT D-TYPE LATCH Texas Instrum
SN74ALS534OEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74ALS534ANRefurbished Texas Instrum OCTAL D TYPE FLIP FLOP Texas Instrum
SN74ALS534NRefurbished Texas Instrum OCTAL D-TYPE FLIP-FLOP Texas Instrum
SN74ALS540NRefurbished Texas Instrum SINGLE 8-BIT BUFFER/DRIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ALS541DWRRefurbished Texas Instrum DC / BUFFER/DRIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ALS541NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74ALS541NRefurbished Texas Instrum 8-BIT BUFFER/DRIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ALS564BDWRRefurbished Texas Instrum OCTAL FLIP-FLOP Texas Instrum
SN74ALS573OEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74ALS573BNRefurbished Texas Instrum 8-BIT D-TYPE LATCH Texas Instrum
SN74ALS573CDWRefurbished Texas Instrum OCTAL D-TYPE LATCH Texas Instrum
SN74ALS573CNOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74ALS573CNRefurbished Texas Instrum SINGLE 8-BIT LATCH Texas Instrum
SN74ALS574BDWRefurbished Texas Instrum OCTAL D-TYPE FLIP-FLOP Texas Instrum
SN74ALS574BNRefurbished Texas Instrum OCTAL D TYPE FLIP-FLOP Texas Instrum
SN74ALS575OEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74ALS580NRefurbished Texas Instrum 8-BIT D-TYPE LATCH Texas Instrum
SN74ALS621ANRefurbished Texas Instrum DC / BUS TRANSCEIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ALS623ANRefurbished Texas Instrum SINGLE BUS TRANSCEIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ALS640B1NRefurbished Texas Instrum 8-BIT BUS TRANSCEIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ALS641A1DWRefurbished Texas Instrum SINGLE BUS TRANSCEIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ALS642A1DWRefurbished Texas Instrum IC Texas Instrum
SN74ALS642ADWRefurbished Texas Instrum INTEGRATED CIRCUIT Texas Instrum
SN74ALS645ADWRRefurbished Texas Instrum BUS TRANSCEIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ALS645ANRefurbished Texas Instrum OCTAL BUS TRANSCEIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ALS646A1NTRefurbished Texas Instrum OCTAL TRANCEIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ALS646ADWRefurbished Texas Instrum OCTAL BUS TRANSCEIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ALS646ANTRefurbished Texas Instrum SEMICONDUCTOR Texas Instrum
SN74ALS652NTRefurbished Texas Instrum 8-BIT BUS TRANSCEIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ALS666NTRefurbished Texas Instrum DC / 8-BIT D-TYPE LATCH Texas Instrum
SN74ALS667NT3Refurbished Texas Instrum DC / 8-BIT D-TYPE LATCH Texas Instrum
SN74ALS677ADWRRefurbished Texas Instrum FACTORY REEL Texas Instrum
SN74ALS688OEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74ALS688NRefurbished Texas Instrum 8-BIT IDENTITY COMPARATOR Texas Instrum
SN74ALS689OEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74ALS74AOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74ALS74ADRRefurbished Texas Instrum DUAL D-TYPE FLIP-FLOP Texas Instrum
SN74ALS74ANRefurbished Texas Instrum DUAL D-TYPE FLIP-FLOP Texas Instrum
SN74ALS760NRefurbished Texas Instrum DUAL 4BIT BUFFER/DRIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ALS804ADWRRefurbished Texas Instrum IC Texas Instrum
SN74ALS804ANRefurbished Texas Instrum HEX 2-INPUT NAND LOGIC GATE Texas Instrum
SN74ALS832OEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74ALS841NTRefurbished Texas Instrum DC / 10-BIT D-TYPE LATCH Texas Instrum
SN74ALS866NTRefurbished Texas Instrum INTEGRATED CIRCUIT Texas Instrum
SN74ALS867ANTRefurbished Texas Instrum UP/DOWN COUNTER Texas Instrum
SN74ALS869DWRefurbished Texas Instrum REFURB COUNTER Texas Instrum
SN74ALS86DRefurbished Texas Instrum QUAD EXCLUSIVE-OR GATE Texas Instrum
SN74ALS873BNTRefurbished Texas Instrum 4-BIT BUFFER/DRIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ALS873NTRefurbished Texas Instrum INTEGRATED CIRCUIT Texas Instrum
SN74ALS876OEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74ALS876ANTRefurbished Texas Instrum INTEGRATED CIRCUIT Texas Instrum
SN74ALS88NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74ALS996DWROEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74ALS996DWRRefurbished Texas Instrum SINGLE 8-BIT LATCH Texas Instrum
SN74ALS996NTRefurbished Texas Instrum SINGLE 8-BIT LATCH Texas Instrum
SN74ALSO4BNRefurbished Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74ALVC04DROEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74ALVC04DRRefurbished Texas Instrum HEX INVERTER Texas Instrum
SN74ALVC04PWRRefurbished Texas Instrum HEX INVERTER Texas Instrum
SN74ALVC08PWOEM Texas Instrum QUAD 2-IN AND GATE TSSOP Texas Instrum
SN74ALVC125PWROEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74ALVC162334DGVRRefurbished Texas Instrum NEW REEL Texas Instrum
SN74ALVC164245DGGROEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74ALVC244DWROEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74ALVC32DRefurbished Texas Instrum QUAD 2-INPUT OR LOGIC GATE Texas Instrum
SN74ALVC32DWOEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74ALVCH162244DGGRRefurbished Texas Instrum QUAD 4-BIT BUFFER/DRIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ALVCH162268GRRefurbished Texas Instrum BUS EXCHANGER Texas Instrum
SN74ALVCH16244OEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74ALVCH16244DGGROEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74ALVCH16244DGGRRefurbished Texas Instrum QUAD 4-BIT BUFFER/DRIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ALVCH16244DLRRefurbished Texas Instrum QUAD BUFFER/DRIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ALVCH16245DGGRRefurbished Texas Instrum 8-BIT BUS TRANSCEIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ALVCH1624SDGGROEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74ALVCH16260DGGRRefurbished Texas Instrum BUS EXCHANGER Texas Instrum
SN74ALVCH16260DGRRefurbished Texas Instrum SINGLE 18-BIT TRANSCEIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ALVCH16269DOEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74ALVCH16269DLOEM Texas Instrum IC Texas Instrum
SN74ALVCH16270DLOEM Texas Instrum IC Texas Instrum
SN74ALVCH16270DLRefurbished Texas Instrum BUS EXCHANGER Texas Instrum
SN74ALVCH162721DGGRRefurbished Texas Instrum 20BIT D-TYPE FLIP-FLOP Texas Instrum
SN74ALVCH16374DGGRRefurbished Texas Instrum FLIP FLOP 16BIT Texas Instrum
SN74ALVCH16501DGGRRefurbished Texas Instrum 18-BIT BUS TRANSCEIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ALVCH16543DGGRRefurbished Texas Instrum DUAL 8-BIT BUS TRANSCEIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ALVCH16601DLROEM Texas Instrum 2-3 DAYS AVAIL Texas Instrum
SN74ALVCH16721DGVRRefurbished Texas Instrum 20-BIT D TYPE FLIP-FLOP Texas Instrum
SN74ALVCH16821DGGRRefurbished Texas Instrum 20-BIT D-TYPE FLIP-FLOP Texas Instrum
SN74ALVCH16823DGGRefurbished Texas Instrum 00+INTERFACE FILP-FLOP Texas Instrum
SN74ALVCH16823DGGRRefurbished Texas Instrum DC / 18-BIT FLIP-FLOP Texas Instrum
SN74ALVCH16952DGGRRefurbished Texas Instrum 16-BIT TRANSCEIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ALVCH244Refurbished Texas Instrum BUFFER/DRIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ALVCH244PWLERefurbished Texas Instrum DC / BUFFER/DRIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ALVCH244PWROEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74ALVCHR16245GROEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74ALVTH16244GRRefurbished Texas Instrum 16-BIT BUFFER/DRIVER Texas Instrum
SN74ALVTH16373GROEM Texas Instrum 2-3 DAYS AVAIL Texas Instrum
SN74ALVTH16373GRRefurbished Texas Instrum 16-BIT D-TYPE LATCH Texas Instrum
SN74ALVTH16821VRRefurbished Texas Instrum 20-BIT D-TYPE FLIP-FLOP Texas Instrum
SN74AS00DROEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74AS00NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74AS00NRefurbished Texas Instrum QUAD 2-INPUT NAND GATE Texas Instrum
SN74AS02DOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74AS04NRefurbished Texas Instrum HEX INVERTER LOGIC GATE Texas Instrum
SN74AS08DRefurbished Texas Instrum QUAD LOGIC GATE Texas Instrum
SN74AS08NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74AS08NRefurbished Texas Instrum QUAD 2-INPUT AND GATE Texas Instrum
SN74AS1000ADRRefurbished Texas Instrum QUAD LOGIC GATE Texas Instrum
SN74AS1004ANRefurbished Texas Instrum HEX INVERTING DRIVER Texas Instrum
SN74AS1032ADRefurbished Texas Instrum QUAD 2-INPUT OR LOGIC GATE Texas Instrum
SN74AS1032ANRefurbished Texas Instrum QUAD 2-INPUT BUFFER/DRIVER Texas Instrum
SN74AS1034ANOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74AS109NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74AS10NRefurbished Texas Instrum LOGIC GATE 3-INPUT Texas Instrum
SN74AS11DOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74AS11NRefurbished Texas Instrum 3-INPUT AND LOGIC GATE Texas Instrum
SN74AS153NRefurbished Texas Instrum 4-INPUT LOGIC MUX DUAL Texas Instrum
SN74AS157DOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74AS157NRefurbished Texas Instrum QUAD 2 INPUT LOGIC MUX Texas Instrum
SN74AS158NRefurbished Texas Instrum OEM EXCESS Texas Instrum
SN74AS161NRefurbished Texas Instrum 4-BIT BINARY COUNTER UP Texas Instrum
SN74AS169ANRefurbished Texas Instrum SYNCHRONOUS UP/DOWN COUNTER Texas Instrum
SN74AS174NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74AS175NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74AS1804NRefurbished Texas Instrum HEX LOGIC GATE Texas Instrum
SN74AS1805NRefurbished Texas Instrum HEX 2-INPUT NOR LOGIC GATE Texas Instrum
SN74AS1808NRefurbished Texas Instrum HEX 2-INPUT AND LOGIC GATE Texas Instrum
SN74AS1832NRefurbished Texas Instrum HEX 2-INPUT OR GATE Texas Instrum
SN74AS20DOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74AS20NRefurbished Texas Instrum 4-INPUT LOGIC GATE NAND Texas Instrum
SN74AS21DRefurbished Texas Instrum DUAL LOGIC GATE Texas Instrum
SN74AS21NRefurbished Texas Instrum DUAL 4-BIT AND GATE Texas Instrum
SN74AS240NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74AS240NRefurbished Texas Instrum DUAL 4BIT BUFFER/DRIVER Texas Instrum
SN74AS241NRefurbished Texas Instrum DUAL BUFFER/DRIVER Texas Instrum
SN74AS244ANRefurbished Texas Instrum DC / BUUFER/DRIVER Texas Instrum
SN74AS244DOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74AS244NOEM Texas Instrum I.C. 74AS244 Texas Instrum
SN74AS244NRefurbished Texas Instrum DUAL 4BIT BUFFER/DRIVER Texas Instrum
SN74AS250AOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74AS258NOEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74AS25BNOEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74AS27NRefurbished Texas Instrum TRIPLE LOGIC GATE Texas Instrum
SN74AS280DOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74AS280NRefurbished Texas Instrum PARITY GENERATOR/CHECKER Texas Instrum
SN74AS30NRefurbished Texas Instrum 8-INPUT LOGIC GATE Texas Instrum
SN74AS32DROEM Texas Instrum 95+ Texas Instrum
SN74AS32DRRefurbished Texas Instrum 95+ Texas Instrum
SN74AS32NRefurbished Texas Instrum QUAD 2-INPUT OR GATE Texas Instrum
SN74AS373DOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74AS373NRefurbished Texas Instrum DC / 8-BIT D-TYPE LATCH Texas Instrum
SN74AS374NOEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74AS374NRefurbished Texas Instrum NA OCTAL D-TYPE FLIP-FLOP Texas Instrum
SN74AS533NRefurbished Texas Instrum SINGLE 8-BIT LATCH Texas Instrum
SN74AS573ANRefurbished Texas Instrum IC DIG TTL 20 DIP 74AS57 Texas Instrum
SN74AS573JRefurbished Texas Instrum IC DIG TTL 20 DIP 74AS57 Texas Instrum
SN74AS573NRefurbished Texas Instrum IC DIG TTL 20 DIP 74AS57 Texas Instrum
SN74AS580NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74AS640NOEM Texas Instrum IC Texas Instrum
SN74AS640NRefurbished Texas Instrum OCTAL BUS TRANSCEIVER Texas Instrum
SN74AS641NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74AS645NRefurbished Texas Instrum SINGLE BUS TRANSCEIVER Texas Instrum
SN74AS646DWRefurbished Texas Instrum SINGLE BUS TRANSCEIVER Texas Instrum
SN74AS648NTRefurbished Texas Instrum SINGLE BUS TRANSCEIVER Texas Instrum
SN74AS74ADRefurbished Texas Instrum DUAL D-TYPE FLIP-FLOP Texas Instrum
SN74AS74NRefurbished Texas Instrum DUAL D-TYPE FLIP-FLOP Texas Instrum
SN74AS756DWRefurbished Texas Instrum OCTAL BUFFER/LINE DRIVER Texas Instrum
SN74AS757NRefurbished Texas Instrum OCTAL BUFFER/LINE DRIVER Texas Instrum
SN74AS760DWRefurbished Texas Instrum 4-BIT DUAL BUFFER/DRIVER Texas Instrum
SN74AS760NRefurbished Texas Instrum DUAL 4-BIT BUFFER/DRIVER Texas Instrum
SN74AS804BNOEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74AS821NTRefurbished Texas Instrum 10-BIT D TYPE FLIP FLOP Texas Instrum
SN74AS823NTRefurbished Texas Instrum 9-BIT D-TYPE FLIP-FLOP Texas Instrum
SN74AS856NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74AS867NTRefurbished Texas Instrum UP/DOWN COUNTER Texas Instrum
SN74AS869NTRefurbished Texas Instrum UP/DOWN COUNTER Texas Instrum
SN74AS86ADOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74AS86ANRefurbished Texas Instrum QUAD 2-INPUT XOR LOGIC GATE Texas Instrum
SN74AS882NTRefurbished Texas Instrum LOOK-AHEAD CARRY GENERATOR Texas Instrum
SN74AS8838GBOEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74AS885NTRefurbished Texas Instrum MAGNITUDE COMPARATOR Texas Instrum
SN74AVC16245DGGRRefurbished Texas Instrum DUAL 8-BIT BUS TRANSCEIVER Texas Instrum
SN74AVCA164245GRRefurbished Texas Instrum TRANSCEIVER BUS Texas Instrum
SN74BCT224OEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74BCT240OEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74BCT241OEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74BCT2414DWROEM Texas Instrum 2-3 DAYS AVAIL Texas Instrum
SN74BCT2420FNRefurbished Texas Instrum REFURBS TRANSCEIVERS Texas Instrum
SN74BCT2424AFNRefurbished Texas Instrum REFURBED TRANSEIVER Texas Instrum
SN74BCT244DWOEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74BCT244DWRefurbished Texas Instrum DUAL BUFFER/DRIVER Texas Instrum
SN74BCT244DWROEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74BCT244NOEM Texas Instrum IN STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74BCT245DWOEM Texas Instrum I.C. 74BCT245 Texas Instrum
SN74BCT245DWROEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74BCT282OEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74BCT298OEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74BCT29821NTRefurbished Texas Instrum INTEGRATED CIRCUIT Texas Instrum
SN74BCT29823NTRefurbished Texas Instrum D-TYPE 9-BIT FLIP FLOP Texas Instrum
SN74BCT29843NTRefurbished Texas Instrum INTEGRATED CIRCUIT Texas Instrum
SN74BCT534OEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74BCT543OEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74BCT543DWRefurbished Texas Instrum 8-BIT BUS TRANSCEIVER Texas Instrum
SN74BCT543DWRRefurbished Texas Instrum 8-BIT BUS TRANSCEIVER Texas Instrum
SN74BCT543NTRefurbished Texas Instrum 8-BIT BUS TRANSCEIVER Texas Instrum
SN74BCT620OEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74BCT623OEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74BCT760OEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74CB2T3125DROEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74CB2T3245APWOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74CBT16211ADGGRRefurbished Texas Instrum BUS SWITCH Texas Instrum
SN74CBT16212ADGGRRefurbished Texas Instrum BUS EXCHANGER Texas Instrum
SN74CBT16233D66Refurbished Texas Instrum 16-BIT MULTIPLEXER Texas Instrum
SN74CBT16233DGGRRefurbished Texas Instrum BUS EXCHANGER Texas Instrum
SN74CBT3125DRefurbished Texas Instrum DC:/ REFURBED BUS SWITCH Texas Instrum
SN74CBT3125DBQRRefurbished Texas Instrum NEW T&R Texas Instrum
SN74CBT3125DROEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74CBT3125DTRRefurbished Texas Instrum QUADRUPLE FET BUS SWITCH Texas Instrum
SN74CBT3125PWROEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74CBT3126PWROEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74CBT3244DWRefurbished Texas Instrum BUS SWITCH Texas Instrum
SN74CBT3257DRRefurbished Texas Instrum DIGITAL MULTIPLEXER Texas Instrum
SN74CBT3257PWLERefurbished Texas Instrum MULTIPLEXER/DEMULTIPLEXER Texas Instrum
SN74CBT3306DOEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74CBT3306DROEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74CBT3345DBLERefurbished Texas Instrum DC / REFURBS BUS SWITCH Texas Instrum
SN74CBT3345DWRefurbished Texas Instrum DC:/ REFURB BUS SWITCH Texas Instrum
SN74CBT3383PWRRefurbished Texas Instrum 10-BIT FET BUS EXCHANGE Texas Instrum
SN74CBT3384ADBQROEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74CBT6800DBROEM Texas Instrum 0219 Texas Instrum
SN74CBT6800DBRRefurbished Texas Instrum 0219 Texas Instrum
SN74CBT6800PWOEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74CBTD3306PWROEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74CBTLV3125DRRefurbished Texas Instrum LV QUAD FET BUS SWITCH Texas Instrum
SN74CBTLV3126PWRRefurbished Texas Instrum LV QUAD FET BUS SWITCH Texas Instrum
SN74CBTLV3245PWOEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74CBTLV3253PWRRefurbished Texas Instrum LV DUAL FET MUX/DEMUX Texas Instrum
SN74CBTLV3257DRRefurbished Texas Instrum LV 4-BIT FET MUX/DEMUX Texas Instrum
SN74CBTLV3257PWRRefurbished Texas Instrum QUAD 2-INPUT LOGIC MUX Texas Instrum
SN74CBTLV3384PWROEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74CBTLV3384PWRRefurbished Texas Instrum LV 10-BIT FET BUS SWITCH Texas Instrum
SN74F00DRefurbished Texas Instrum QUAD 2-INPUT NAND GATE Texas Instrum
SN74F00DROEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74F02DRefurbished Texas Instrum 2-INPUT -NOR GATES Texas Instrum
SN74F02DRRefurbished Texas Instrum QUAD 2-INPUT NOR GATE Texas Instrum
SN74F04DOEM Texas Instrum I.C. 74F04 Texas Instrum
SN74F04DRefurbished Texas Instrum HEX INVERTER LOGIC GATE Texas Instrum
SN74F04DROEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74F04DRRefurbished Texas Instrum DC / HEX INVERTER Texas Instrum
SN74F04NRefurbished Texas Instrum HEX INVERTER Texas Instrum
SN74F04NSRRefurbished Texas Instrum NEW REEL Texas Instrum
SN74F08OEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74F08DRRefurbished Texas Instrum FACTORY STOCK REEL Texas Instrum
SN74F08NRefurbished Texas Instrum DC / 2-INPUT AND GATE Texas Instrum
SN74F10DRRefurbished Texas Instrum 3-INPUT POSITIVE NAND GATE Texas Instrum
SN74F112Refurbished Texas Instrum TYPE-F DUAL FLIP-FLOP Texas Instrum
SN74F112DROEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74F112DRRefurbished Texas Instrum DUAL J/K TYPE FLIP FLOP Texas Instrum
SN74F112NRefurbished Texas Instrum DUAL J/K-TYPE FLIP-FLOP Texas Instrum
SN74F125DRefurbished Texas Instrum 4-BIT BUFFER/DRIVER Texas Instrum
SN74F125DROEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74F125DRRefurbished Texas Instrum BUFFER/DRIVER Texas Instrum
SN74F126DRefurbished Texas Instrum SINGLE 4-BIT BUFFER/DRIVER Texas Instrum
SN74F138DRefurbished Texas Instrum OEM EXCESS Texas Instrum
SN74F138DROEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74F138DRRefurbished Texas Instrum DECODER/DEMULTIPLEXER Texas Instrum
SN74F138NOEM Texas Instrum Texas Instrum
SN74F138NRefurbished Texas Instrum DC:/ REFURB DEMULTIPLEXER Texas Instrum
SN74F153DROEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum
SN74F157ADRefurbished Texas Instrum QUAD 2-INPUT LOGIC MUX Texas Instrum
SN74F157ADROEM Texas Instrum STOCK Texas Instrum

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